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Ksp addon version checker

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Notes: If it’s too challenging to include an arm raise with your side plank, then omit the arm raise until you’ve built enough strength and core work to include it. Repeat your reps on one side before switching to the next. Lower your hips back to the floor and lift it back up in position again. By using your resting arm this way, you can work both side delts simultaneously. Ensure that your body is in a straight line with your right foot either on top or in front of your left foot (the side that’s bearing the weight).Įxtend your right arm (the one that isn’t on the ground) in the air so that it makes a straight line with your other arm. You want to be as high in the air as possible while staying grounded. Lie on the floor on your side, resting on your left elbow.Įngage your core and lift your hips up, supporting yourself on the left elbow.

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This exercise will not only challenge your side delts but also your core, particularly your obliques. Related Article: The Best V-Taper Dumbbell Workout (Step By Step Guide) In fact, it’ll actually take the focus away from the side delts and onto your traps instead. In addition, don’t lift higher than shoulder level. Remember, you’ll only be doing yourself a disservice if you have to swing it up as it’s not really isolate the delts so don’t worry about having to drop the weight. Lower the weight until you find one that is challenging enough to work your side delts while still allowing you to execute it with good form. Notes: If you have to swing your body to get the weight up, then you’ve chosen dumbbells that are too heavy. Lower the weights back down to your side in a slow and controlled motion. Also, be careful not the “shrug” the weight up-you want your side delts to be doing all the work. Your arms shouldn’t be completely locked out straight either your elbows should have a slight bend in them. Keep raising them until they are parallel to the floor. This means that your palms should be facing your body.Įngage your core and keep your back straight as you raise your arms to the side. Hold one dumbbell in each hand in an overhand grip with your arms by your sides. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, planted firmly in the ground.

Ksp addon version checker